Membership Benefits
As the professional body for stockbrokers and other financial markets professionals, the SAIS offers its designation holders a number of benefits. The foremost of these is access to Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and Thought Leadership.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
The SAIS CPD, in conjunction with the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), offers a wide range of CPD topics to its members. Most CPD activities are delivered online and can be done at the member's own pace. In addition, the CPD activities completed through the SAIS CPD portal are automatically uploaded to the member's record, making it easy to see CPD hours attained.
For most individuals working in the Financial Markets, CPD is a Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) requirement. The report detailing the CPD attained and recorded for the SAIS may also be used for the FSCA CPD should it meet the FSCA requirements.
Thought Leadership
As a Thought Leader and influencer in the Financial Markets space, based on its expertise and perspectives and those of the industry, the SAIS is able to provide a unique perspective and guidance on matters of importance to the profession. This is effected by working closely with our Industry Fora and participating in the various committees of which we are a member, such as the FSCA Competency Forum. The SAIS regularly provides comments on draft legislation and interacts with Industry, Exchanges, Regulators and Legislators. These comments are available to our members.
In order to become a Certified Stockbroker Affiliate and hold the designation CSb(SA) a series of exams and practical experience in the financial markets is required. Peruse the requirements in our Education Policy.
There are a number of entry routes to the Professional Stockbroker Examinations. Exemptions are also available for some of the examinations. These are detailed in the SAIS' Education Policy
Affiliate is used for individuals that complete the theoretical part of the qualification but who have not yet met the relevant, prescribed practical work experience requirements.
Both Affiliate and Associate members receive the full range of SAIS benefits and are held to the same requirements: